Spring Break Day 1: Leavenworth

We’d been to Leavenworth before, when Alex was very, very young. Probably the first summer we lived in Seattle (2004). It’s a very small town that in the 1960s voted to undergo revitalization in the form of a Bavarian village. It sounds like a really cute idea, but in reality I found it very cheesy. Basically, “reinventing as a Bavarian village” means that all the buildings look like chalets, all the businesses have names like “Das Gift Shoppe” and “Strudel Haus,” and almost all the restaurants are German-themed. Every shop we peeked into reminded me of the “ticky-tack” shops on the Jersey shore, a lot of “Everything’s $9.98!” Shops were either selling souvenirs (German-themed or basic, like souvenir spoons with Leavenworth attractions engraved on them), cheap and tacky merchandise you’d find in a Jersey shore shop (t-shirts with ‘funny’ slogans, flip-flops), or “fashion.” The fashion shops were the least objectionable.

And the yarn store had apparently gone out of business. Boo!

And I wore my turquoise Guides on a walk through town (about six blocks down and back from the hotel) and discovered they’re too small. Double boo!

Here are the only two photos I took, both from our hotel room window.

View of an apartment complex.
View of an apartment complex.
At full zoom, the distant peak you can see in the previous photo.
At full zoom, the distant peak you can see in the previous photo.