The Psychology of Shopping

Alex has to conduct a psychology experiment for his end-of-semester project (due January 15th).  We will be going to Starbucks to ask patrons these questions in person, but it will help him to have a larger sampling.  If you feel like answering the questions, please post a reply below.  Thanks!

Question 1:  Do you patronize Starbucks or another beverage shop (Jamba Juice, Tully’s, etc.) regularly?

Question 2:  Assume your chosen drink costs $3.  If the shop offered a prepaid annual subscription card for $600, which permitted you one drink per day for a year, would you purchase the subscription?

Question 3:  Please explain your Question #2 answer (why/why not).

Thank you!

A Chris-Eye View

Some photographs taken by The Man.

I told you this kid can't pose properly.
I told you this kid can’t pose properly.
A squid or octopus.  Much more amusingly squishy in real life.
A squid or octopus. Much more amusingly squishy in real life.
Some little clownfish.
Coral? Not sure.
Little fishy froot loops.


A Downtown Day

We took the time today to go to the Seattle Aquarium, since that’s always a good indoor activity.  Here is my best indoor photo, taken with the HX50V.

I don't remember specifically what aquatic life is in this photo.
I don’t remember specifically what aquatic life is in this photo.

I do remember the name of the wildlife in this photo.

The Young Master comes outside to look at the harbor seals.
The Young Master comes outside to look at the harbor seals.

Afterwards, we went to a pier restaurant called The Fisherman, where we sat for lunch.

Ding #1:  Prices were outrageous for a drop-in lunch.

Ding #2:  After 10 minutes, no one had come to serve us (although the hostess had seated us and knew we were there).

We left and rode the Great Wheel.

The Seattle Great Wheel from a distance.
The Seattle Great Wheel from a distance.

Strangely, none of my city shots from the top of the wheel came out well (possibly because the glass enclosures are tinted), but this one below looks pretty good.  I had to overexpose it in post-processing because his face looked so dark.  This is the only full-face pic of The Man I’ve been able to get recently.  Usually he holds his hand up (sometimes in a rude gesture) in front of his face, when he knows I’m trying to take a photo.

Man, I love that man.
Man, I love that man.

So, after the lunch debacle, we simply came home and went to the pub.  When we got home, there was a box of yarn on the porch!  What an awesome day.