A Big Day

A milestone in a young boy’s life has been reached!

alex tooth progression
I still think the one on the bottom, under his big tooth on our right when viewing, looks out of alignment, but apparently all the experts say it’s okay.


We have just passed the moment of “maximum.”  Redmond had a 91.6% eclipse.  Our apartment looks very dark inside – like a typical rainy Seattle day – but outside everything still looks sunny and bright.  We are expected to continue in partial eclipse for another hour and 20 minutes, but the thrill of the moment has passed, and we are going back to our normal chores.

No photos:  couldn’t get eclipse filters for the real camera, and holding the smartphones up behind our eclipse glasses resulted in really junky photos!

It’s that time again!

Wedding anniversary time.  Chris and I traded in all the old camera equipment we had lying around the house and treated ourselves to a new Sony Alpha and a big zoom lens.  He took this pic freehand tonight (not even with a tripod).

moon august 1

Look for more experimentation in the upcoming weeks!