Spectrum Sweater Update

Hello knitters!  Bet you all thought this project had fallen by the wayside.  Well, sort of.  Because of our busy summer vacation I didn’t get time to sit down and knit much; and this is a project where I really need at least an hour at a time to get anything accomplished.  I timed myself yesterday – it takes me 14 minutes to complete a row, and that’s not speeding along.  So, this is going to take a while.  However, what you see here is half the project, at least according to row count (row 96).  It’s actually less than half the project because the upper half includes sleeves, but still, I feel that progress has been made.  I hope to get to the greens by Monday.  The row on the needles is 3 strands of “5 Yellow,” but you can’t see it very well.  More updates when I get to the greens.

spectrum to yellow