The New Dark Peacock

All right, after several more false starts I was finally able to revamp this necklace today.  Here it is.


It’s considerably less monstrous than previously.  Mostly this is because of the focal bead being more themed and less contrasty, but also because it’s shorter.  I’m happy with it.  This one’s not for sale.


Since my last entry, I have revamped that Dark Peacock necklace.  I took off the cross and put on a round brass quincunx design.  It’s still pretty monstrous.  However, I ended up with the biwa (pointy) pearls on the back of my neck, and they are very uncomfortable.  I’ll have to redo this whole thing again.  To that end I picked up a blown glass pendant today that was made to look like a peacock feather.  I think that will have to be the focal point of the new (completed) design.
I also looked into scrapbooking and bought some stuff to make myself a blank scrapbook for journaling.  However, it was not that fun to make, and the end result journal looks pretty tacky, so I am not going to continue with it.  (Though I will journal in it, because I hate to waste stuff.)  I did get into digital scrapbooking – not to make pages for later printing, but to make screen backgrounds.  I have put together two for my desktop, one for Chris’ work machine, and one for Mom’s birthday which is next week.  Here is the one I made yesterday.

I plan to do more of these as and when I can afford more clip art 🙂

And, what else?  Working on landscape design for the back yard, trying to pick out plants we like that won’t be disastrous back there.  Cleaning, laundry…you know the drill.  Today I developed circular knitting needle identifiers (tags) so that if you keep your circs in a pouch, you can keep track of what size they are.  Check them out on my Etsy site.

Alex has off on Thursday, Friday and Monday!  What are we going to do?

Lastly, I want to say hello to Marie, a long-lost knitting friend whom I recently caught up with on Ravelry.  Hooray for the internet!