New Hobby of the Month


Well, we DO go through a lot of hobbies around here.  For example, I’m absolutely DONE with fused glass, and am trying to sell off my stuff.  But this is a hobby that the whole family was interested in, so we have invested in the basics…woodturning!  Chris’ grandfather was a joiner, and Chris has gone through wood shop in school.  I wanted to go through wood shop when I was in school, but lost my nerve, because "girls don’t do wood shop."  I was already a butt of many school jokes and taking shop would have made me even less popular than I was (hard to believe, but true).  I hated high school.  But anyway, Alex was interested in it too.  So we bought a lathe, some pen blanks, some bowl blanks, chisels, finishing creams and sandpaper.  Here are some pictures of the practice things we’ve made.  Yes, we are practicing good shop safety.  Everyone wears a dust mask and goggles and nobody’s allowed to go out there without shoes on.


L-R, all polished:  Madrona spindle, bloodwood spindle, olivewood spindle, madrona spindle, madrona spindle, osage orange thingy.


2spindles L-R:  Same madrona spindle (but before it was polished), same bloodwood and olivewood spindles (polished).



L-R:  Polished madrona spindle, unpolished madrona spindle.  Madrona is a tree native to the Seattle area.  Cheap wood!



Polished osage orange thingy.  This was cut from a blank designated as a “bottle stopper” blank but I just wanted to play around with it because I like osage orange wood!



   And a picture of Alex (with Bickie in the distant background) just to cheer you up.

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