Power Outage Triumph

We are in the middle of a power outage!  (Well, hopefully we’re really close to the end of it…)  However, my Surface still has power, and Chris’ cell phone does as well, so he set it up as a wireless hotspot and we are bringing you this post by candlelight.  We went for a walk.  Alex and I got scared of walking around in the total darkness and came home early, but Chris soldiered on, until he ran into a big tree branch blocking his path, whereupon he came home too.

Here’s what the house looks like now.

Taken with the rear Surface camera.
Taken with the rear Surface camera.

One thought on “Power Outage Triumph

  1. You can get a solar charger to use during the day to recharge your Surface and cell phones. Goal Zero is an often mentioned brand. Get it with the battery pack. I saw it on amazon.

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