Merry Christmas

Here is our little setup.  Fire courtesy of Netflix; tiny tree and lights from Safeway.  Some cards that have already arrived, and our quintessential Christmas stockings made by Mary.


The tiny pink fish in the center is a catnip toy for Max and Bickie.  The PC shown is a Microsoft Surface Studio, one of our family gifts to one another.

It’s Brain Fail. Definitely.

Our cats are on prescription food because they have delicate digestions.  We have two prescription cards that I usually carry in my handbag.  I took them out to prep for vacation and “put them in a safe place” (this just happened last week).  Can’t find ’em.  We need to stock up on food for the cat folks to feed them, and I can’t find the cards!  Can’t even think of anywhere else to look.   This time I know it’s brain fail because we have used them twice since moving to this new apartment.

(And those keys haven’t reappeared, either.)

Okay…ten seconds after publishing this post, I looked at the fridge, because we often stick important things on there with magnets.  (My prescriptions, apartment emergency numbers, barbecue restaurant menu, Ankh-Morpork postcards, picture of Diane’s bear in a yeti costume, 2 purple mink balls, and…cat food prescription cards.  Yay.)



New Apartment View

This is the view out our kitchen window.  Unfortunately it’s raining.  I’ll do a better one when it’s dry, but thought people might like to see the beautiful construction vehicles and bright traffic lights that shine in here.  Hah.


Relocation vs Failure of the Brain

That’s one of the really annoying things about moving.  When you discover something is missing, is it because it got lost in the move?  Or is it because you stowed it somewhere and can’t remember where?

I got a free TSA lock from Amazon Vine a few months ago and put it on my suitcase.  (In order to be clever, I only locked it through one ring of the zipper, and not both…a very smart move indeed, as you will see.)  Today I am prepping to pack for our winter vacation, and I can’t find the keys to that lock.  My visual memory from the old apartment is excellent:  I can picture them on my nightstand, along with the travel sewing kit, big combination lock for locking suitcases to fixed objects, spare cakes of Ivory soap, and the pack of passports.

Today, I’ve looked inside the pack of passports; I’ve found all those other things that were on the nightstand.  Have looked through my jewelry box (which was there), all our suitcases, all my toiletries cases, my nightstand drawer, all our backpacks, all other travel gear that wasn’t in that area, our junk drawer of tools and pencils and spare odds and ends, my knitting bags, my handbag, pockets of all coats, Chris’ nightstand, Alex’s dresser (which I was using at the time), baskets containing office supplies, bathroom drawers, and my desktop organizer.  Naturally I cannot find these keys.  Did they fall out of a box somewhere en route?  I can’t remember where I stashed them, and am running out of places to search!

But luckily, since I only put the lock through one side of the zipper, the suitcase could still be used.  It’s just a bit of a nuisance to have this now-nonfunctional lock dangling from the zipper pull.

A quick email to the manufacturer about spare keys resulted in an offer for a replacement lock (hah) but the distressing news that they do not keep/make spare keys.

In the end, I took one of Chris’ ginsu knives and sawed it off.  Whee.

More Thoughts About ScotteVest

I still need a wintry coat for Canada.  ScotteVest makes an insulated version of Alex’s coat, which is described as being the same coat but with the addition of a quilted, insulated lining, so I took Alex’s out of the closet and did an in-depth analysis of the pockets.

SeV says this coat has 26 pockets.  I could only find 13, unless you count the ‘SD card pocket’ (seriously, how is this useful at all?) which is mounted inside of another pocket.  So I don’t get where the other 13 (or 12) are.  Their site does not detail the locations of pockets.

That right there is enough of a ding that they’re off my list.

(This is a follow-up to my post below.)