Lazy Knitters

Yes, I am a lazy knitter.  And there are a few real benefits in this type of project for us lazy knitters…
First of all, with the color changes happening so frequently, you don’t really have to worry about the color jogs at the beginning of a round.  Nobody’s going to notice, probably not even you!  Just knit around.
And secondly, since the yarns are so fine, you can avoid having ends to weave in by simply knitting the cut strand along with your work.  What I do is, at the beginning of a color change round, add in the new color but don’t remove the strand of the old color yet.  Work 4-7 stitches.  Then snip off the strand of old color to be removed (snip it near the back of the fabric).  Remove the strand from your bundle of working yarns and continue with the three proper strands for this row.  On your next row, pick up the loose end from the newly-started strand and work that in.  Voila, no loose ends!
So far I have finished all the 5 Blue Purple and 10 Blue Purple and I’m working on the 5 Purple.  I hope that by this evening I’ll be done with the 5 Purple – or at least have the 10 Purple added in – and I’ll post a pic to show how nicely the color progresses.