Picture of the Progress So Far

Here is a photo of what I’ve got so far.  I haven’t done a hem yet, because I’m really waffling on that.  I’ve simply done a provisional cast-on in white (which you can’t see in the pic) and will decide about a hem later.  At the base of the picture it’s three strands of 5 Blue Purple, going on up through 10 Blue Purple, 5 Purple, and now I’m on 10 Purple.  (Right now I’m on one strand of 10 Purple and still two strands of 5 Purple).  It’s hard to see the color change that’s on the needle, but you can get an idea of how using multiple strands to swap out colors makes a gentler color gradation.
This basic pattern is so useful.  I’ve already got an idea to buy Lunatic Fringe’s "Grey Matter" kit and knit the same sweater with one strand of 5 Red and two strands of black at the hem, keeping the 5 Red throughout, and swapping out strands of the grey matter colors so that it shades from full black at the hem to white (with 5 Red) at the neckline.  Or many other options!  This is going to keep me going for a long time.